For nearly, twenty years I have lived and worked in New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans inherently, embodies the essence of balance in urban, natural living.
With life nestled in giant, old Live Oak trees, diverse flora and fauna ranging from hibiscus to cactus & raccoons to gekkos, houses built of ancient cypress and bricks made from local mud & sand, food caught in local bayous & streams, New Orleans living centers around the out-of-doors, wise, utilization of resources, and conscious, collective habitat.
This remains as true for the materials the city is built with, as the rituals its inhabitants thrive upon.
Fishing, woodworking, pottery, ceramics, glassblowing, metal-work, gardening, coffee-roasting remain active, prime industries in New Orleans for thousands of years.
Lake Pontchartrain, and the Mississippi River which surround New Orleans provide fluid, thoroughfare for exchange of goods, services, ideas, cultures, and energies throughout North & South America, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean Islands.
Social structures, educational challenges, economic strata, and forces of nature have challenged the citizens and landscape of New Orleans throughout the ages.
However, I believe New Orleans possesses among the greatest abilities to rebirth itsself, as well as the strongest spirits to survive on the Planet Earth.
For this reason, and the simple, wisdom and bliss I find as part of every day life in the Big Easy, I have committed my time, resources, and love to the wellness of New Orleans for nearly two decades.